CRC 5-56 Multi-purpose is a versatile aerosol lubricant that penetrates, lubricates, and prevents corrosion. It's ideal for addressing rust, electrical issues, and general maintenance, and it is available in various sizes.
A modern, versatile helper for hundreds of repair jobs in all working environments. Suitable for diverse environments: workshops, garages, building sites, factories, offices, gardens, and homes.
Useful for electrical work, including plugs, switches, coils, and more
Great for automotive tasks: car ignition systems, distributors, battery terminals, cables, starter motors, aerials, nuts and bolts, chrome, seat slides, door latches, spark plugs
Handy for home maintenance, covering door locks, hinges, drills, and more
Ideal for leisure activities such as fishing gear, bicycles, garden tools, roller skates, ski fittings, golf trundlers
We work really hard EVERY DAY to ensure you get the best prices you'll find. IF you find the SAME product elsewhere tell us, and we'll match OR do better ;-)