Taste the smokey flavour
Kilwell Sawdust NZ Exclusive Selector Pack is an NZ exclusive selector pack that includes 5 amazing flavours of sawdust for your Kilwell smoker. The sawdust is perfect to use with fish, poultry, rabbit, veal, lamb, pork and many more. These incredible flavours include Pohutukawa, Apple, Tawa, Beech and Hickory. The sawdust is harvested from a renewable plantation source and proudly New Zealand made.
Pohutukawa: Enjoy the subtle aroma and slightly sweet peppery flavour of Pohutukawa - ideal for general fish smoking, works equally well on most meats including Poultry, Rabbit, Veal, Lamb and Pork.
Apple: Mild and sweet, lending a mellow flavour. Apple smoke flavours take a while to permeate the meat, so anticipate several hours of smoking. Ideal for chicken, wildfowl, pork, lamb, seafood, venison and vegetables.
Tawa: Another great all-round Kiwi favourite and can be used for smoking most things. Ideal for fish, bacon, ham, pastrami, poultry, meats, olives, cheese, mushrooms.
Beech: Very popular in Europe for smoking most things with a nice, mild smoke flavour. Ideal for fish, poultry and pork.
Hickory: A versatile choice - sweet, savoury and hearty, a bit "bacony"... but be careful, too much hickory flavour will cause your meat to have a more bitter flavour. Ideal for beef, pork, poultry, venison and cheese.
Kilwell Sawdust NZ Exclusive Selector Pack Features:
- 5 x small sampler bags
- Volume each bag: 500ml
- Ideal for fish, poultry, rabbit, veal, lamb or pork
- Flavours: Pohutukawa, Apple, Tawa, Beech and Hickory
- Exclusively sold in New Zealand