Features: Sunline Siglon PE ADV Braid gives you outstanding performance, all day long!
This is the new and improved version of the already high performance 8 x carrier Siglon PEX8 braid.
The improvement lies within the new manufacturing technology from Sunline, Deep Resin Technology.
DRT inputs resin to the inner part of the line, creating a water repellent line with superior abrasion
resistance and increased casting ability.
The DRP also creates a rounded surface on the IZANAS PE fibres and is 25% smoother than normal
woven braid, so it will lay up better on your spool and cast further with less resistance.
The DRP process makes this line repel water like never before, leaving you with a line that's going to
cast time and time again with the same great performance you started with.
Cast further and catch more fish with Sunline Siglon PE ADV braid.
8 carrier braid woven from ultra high strength IZANAS PE fibres
DRT (Deep Resin Technology)
Water repellent
High abrasion resistance
Less friction for longer casts
Made in Japan.
300m Spool Line weights; Multi-colour - colour changes every 10 metres
#1.0 12lb/5.5kg 0.171mm (max strength 7.7kg)
#1.2 16lb/7.3kg 0.187mm (max strength 9.2kg)
#1.7 20lb/9.1kg 0.223mm (max strength 13.0kg)
#2.5 30lb/13.6kg 0.270mm (max strength 18.5kg)
#4.0 50lb/22.7kg 0.342mm (max strength 29.0kg)
#5.0 60lb/27.3kg 0.382mm (max strength 35.0kg)