Powerful dispersant and cleaning system
Fueltreat Purge EF Engine Oil System Cleaner 250ml
is a powerful dispersant and cleaning package. It is designed to
break down oil sludge and remove deposits from pumps, valve trains
and oil systems.
Fueltreat Purge EF Engine Oil System Cleaner is added to the oil
just before an oil change, and the engine brought up to operating
temperature. The powerful cleaning and dispersing action results in
a cleaner oil system for the new oil.
Fueltreat Purge EF Engine Oil System Cleaner quickly and
effectively removes deposits from the engine oil system. It works
on two distinct levels and these are:
Penetration of deposits
Fueltreat Purge EF Engine Oil System Cleaner 250ml
rapidly penetrates deposits to break them down, allowing them to be
taken up into the oil. It does not have to rely on dissolving the
deposit to remove it from the surface, making Fueltreat Purge EF
Engine Oil System Cleaner more effective.
Lifting of deposits
Fueltreat Purge EF Engine Oil System Cleaner 250ml
has an incredibly strong affinity for metal surfaces. When it has
penetrated an oil side deposit, it bonds more strongly to the
surface than the deposit material can. The result is a lifting
effect that allows the deposits to be removed, and while Fueltreat
Purge EF Engine Oil System Cleaner is in the oil, prevents material
from re-depositing.
Fueltreat Purge EF Engine Oil System Cleaner 250ml
- Powerful dispersant and cleaning package
- Designed to break down oil sludge
- Removes deposits from pumps, valve trains and oil
- Add it to the oil just before an oil change, and the engine
brought up to operating temperature
- Powerful cleaning and dispersing action results in a cleaner
oil system
- Rapidly penetrates deposits to break them down, allowing them
to be taken up into the oil
- Does not have to rely on dissolving the deposit to remove it
from the surface
- Incredibly strong affinity for metal surfaces
- When it has penetrated an oil side deposit, it bonds more
strongly to the surface than the deposit material can
- Result is a lifting effect that allows the deposits to be
- Prevents re-depositing while it is in the oil