Ronstan Soft Shackle 8X135mm suits RF67109

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Ships Apr 3 - Apr 22
ONLY $215.00

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Designed from the outset to deliver outstanding performance, these blocks achieve the highest ratings for dynamic load vs sheave diameter in Ronstan's keelboat block range. They are built to perform and built to last. Every SA Block features fully machined, anodised aluminium cheek plates. Sheaves run on duplex stainless steel hubs and incorporate precision composite journal bearings and thrust washers. The soft attachment is a purpose designed Dyneema SK99 cord shackle with titanium dog bone.

Ultimate dynamic and static load performance
SA Blocks incorporate a full contact, selflubricating composite journal bearing running on a polished duplex stainless steel hub, to maintain low friction performance under heavy dynamic and static loads.
Thrust washers in the same compositematerial are positioned between the sheaveand the cheek plates to handle the high sideloads that can be generated when line entryand exit alignment is not ideal. Testing hasshown reduced friction and greater durabilitythan ball bearings in this application.

Attach, detach and open
The soft shackle provides a simple means ofattachment, secured with the titanium dogbone but easily opened when necessary todetach the block.
With the shackle open a gentle rotation of thecheek plates opens the head of the block soit can be fitted to a standing line. To close the block, rotate the cheeks back to the closedposition until the spring loaded ball locksecures them in place. No additional externalstraps or bands required.

Soft shackle with titanium dog bone
Drawing on the expertise of Nodus Factory,many design iterations were tested beforefinalising specifications of the DyneemaSK99 cord shackle and titanium dog bone.
Proprietary Nodus Factory splicing techniquesand fibre surface coating ensure secureload transfer from the block and maximumdurability.

Aluminium alloy cheek plates and sheaves
Block cheeks and sheaves are precisionmachined from high strength aluminium alloy,then anodised for durability and corrosionresistance. The soft attachment through thehub provides a protective buffer between theblock and boat surfaces. Retaining guides insoft elastomer ensure that the block remainsaligned within the soft shackle.

A multitude of applications
Suited to temporary or permanent linedeflection, load carrying and snatch blockapplications including:
  • 2:1 Main halyards
  • Headsail and spinnaker sheets
  • Mast base halyard deflection
  • Running backstays
    • Ideal for lead or floating blocks for headsail sheet trimming
    • Mast base blocks
    • Temporary lead blocks for sheet deflection, barber haulers and tack lines
    • 2:1 Main halyards
    • Spare or replacement block for general use

    • Soft shackle retained by elastomer guides
    • Titanium dog bone allows for easy attachment and removal of the block
    • Cheek plates twist to open the block and close with spring loaded ball lock securing in place
    • Primary bearing and thrust washers for optimum dynamic and static performance

    Sheave diameter- mm
    Max. Rope diameter- mm
    Max. Cable diameter mm
    Pin diameter mm
    M.W.L.4000 kg
    B. L.8000 kg
    Weight30 g
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