Compact, versatile and durable
Shimano Caius 150B Low Profile Baitcaster Reel
certainly looks the goods, but delivers performance as well. With 5
kilos of drag power, 3 stainless steel bearings and 1 roller
bearing, Easy Mag II braking system, a snappy gear ratio of 6.3:1
with a Quickfire II clutch for easy casting under all conditions,
and you have a baitcaster designed for newcomers and more
experienced anglers alike.
Super Free
The Super Free bearing-supported pinion gear system (SF) was
designed to eliminate friction on the spool shaft during the cast.
In standard baitcasting reels, when the clutch bar is pressed down,
the pinion gear is freed and can actually drag on the spool shaft,
creating friction and limiting the length of the cast. With SF, the
pinion gear is supported by a ball bearing and when the clutch is
disengaged the pinion hear and spool shaft are kept in precise
alignment. The result is zero friction on the spool shaft for
increased freespool.
Variable Brake System
VBS uses centrifugal force rather than magnets to aid in
controlling the cast. The individual brake weights, when turned on,
are forced outward at the beginning of the cast when backlashes
most often occur, causing friction that reduces the speed of the
spool. Once the spool speed begins to slow, the pressure lessens,
allowing the spool to continue spinning. The result is a much more
consistent spool speed that is easier to manage and takes advantage
of the reel's maximum casting distance. Settings range from zero
weights turned on for true freespool and up to 6 weights turned on
for extremely windy conditions and maximum cast control.
Shimano Caius 150B Low Profile Baitcaster Reel
- Easy Mag II braking system
- Quickfire II clutch
- Super Free bearing-supported pinion gear system
- Variable Brake System
Shimano Caius 150B Low Profile Baitcaster Reel
- Bearings: 3+1
- Max Drag: 5kg
- Gear Ratio: 6.3:1
- Retrieve per Crank: 67cm
- Mono Capacity: 4/165 kg/m
- Powerpro Capacity: 20/150 lb/yds
- Weight: 205g